Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Glass of Wine and a Good Book...

Have you noticed the small journals displayed on the table just inside the door on the right as you enter the store? There is a nice assortment and they cover a range of subjects, including vacations, websites, pets, children, teens and - two of my favorite things - books and wine! I don't pretend to be a wine connoisseur, but I do enjoy having a glass of wine occasionally. Many of the bottles that currently occupy my wine rack were gifts and the wine journal provides a place to record what I like and would purchase for myself. (This particular wine was a gift from my brother, Ed, and is a new personal can pick it up at Costco for less than $10.)

I also picked up a reader's journal. We are avid readers in my family, but the names of books and authors often slip my mind. The journal has a series of prompts for you to note favorite quotes or characters from the story as well as a place to record your personal review. (It would also be a great place to write down the reading recommendation of a friend, since I am always looking for something good to read.)

In any event, these journals inpired me to do something I rarely do...create a scrapbook page about me! A page about wine and a book I enjoyed...part of that daily minutiae that seems so unimportant...but I would be fascinated to know about my mother and her preferences, for example. The paper is acid-free, the pages are the perfect size, and the "ripped out page look" is just cool!

I think this may be the beginning of a series...I just got back from a weekend in New York where I happened to shared a fabulous bottle of German wine with my mother-in-law and sisters-in-law...and I kept the label...