In this, she unwittingly taught me the second essential rule of organization: Be willing to part with anything you 1.) don't use 2.) don't like 3.) can't remember why you bought it in the first place.
One of the things I've observed about scrappers as a group is that we are all collectors. It's part of the hobby. It's a little impulsive and and little obsessive... and frankly, that's why we love it. But it's also very easy to get overwhelmed or frustrated if you can't put your hands on "the stuff" you need when you finally carve out those few moments to play.
For this blog, I'd like to invite you into my scrapping space-- a small extra bedroom upstairs -- and show you some of my organizing tips. As you can see, I use every inch of space. I added the little daybed because somebody is always coming in to chat. ( It's the perfect resting place. Stiff as a board so nobody stays too long! )
My workspace is a standing workdesk I found at Ikea eons ago. I am certain they have much nicer things now, but I'm afraid to look.
Good lighting is important too! This room has two huge windows. But I scrap a lot at night-- and I am really particular about color, so I have three lights in this room -- the two you see here and another on the opposite side of the space.
Above the work space I have a magnetic bulletin board also covered in tools and a few published projects that inspired me.
Again, I try to keep the tools and materials I use most within arms reach. If I have to take even a few steps away, I get distracted...
I used to keep all my paper, sorted by color in paper racks. I've pretty much abandoned that. It got too complicated trying to figure out where all those multi-colored prints should go.
I have discovered I really like this system. Even though I can't see it all, it's fun to flip through the files and discover all those wonderful prints.
I have several of these bins. One with only holiday or special event papers (Christmas, Halloween, Summer, Fall) Another holds project categories (Sports, Travel, Family, etc.)
In the second closet I keep all the other goodies separated into drawers.
Brads, snaps, flowers, chipboard ... Basically anything that can be used to embellish a page lives in here. This is also where punches and circle cutters live.
And finally, there's the computer center. I've only recently moved my old laptop up here.
And in case you're wondering ... that big thing full of stickers is called a scraprack. It's a new addition to my organizational system. The jury is still out on it's usefulness for me. Let's say I like it a lot "in theory".
I'd love to hear (and see) how other scrappers are organizing their loot! A well organized stash means there is that much more room for more!
Happy Scrapping!
I didn't see where you keep the most important scrapping supply...CHOCOLATE! Where do you stash the M&Ms? Within easy reach on the magnet board, am I right?
Wow, what a great space. I think I could also fall in love with the bins you have for your papers - I sort my papers both ways - by color and manufacturers (only the ones I really love have their own place - like My Mind's Eye).
I keep hearing rumors that Debbie is going to host a garage sale at Scrapbooks Plus. Like many other scrapbookers, I have lots of great stuff I bought on impulse that I would like to sell and get some store credit for - maybe she will set a date for this fall!
Thanks for sharing - I can see how relaxing it would be to work in that space - no wonder you have such great pages!
Simplify, Breathe, Create! My new mantra!
Wow I wish I had all that space - and 2 closets!! My scrap space is almost 100% Ikea - gotta love that store :) Thanks for sharing
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